The Australian Nullarbor, also known as the "Eyre Highway" forms the boundary between Eastern and Western Australia and takes at least two days or more to cross. It was first carved out of the desert limestone as a dirt track in 1941 and was finally sealed in 1976. It is the longest stretch of dead straight road, 1675 kilometers, anywhere in the world.
"Nullarbour" means "No trees" in Aboriginal. As this desert is an ancient salty seabed the only vegetation is low lying saltbush and bluebush. For forty thousand years the Aboriginal people roamed this desert plain which can reach temperatures of up to fifty degrees (122F) and go below freezing at night.
Lets continue...
The sun was glaring down on us as we cruised along the 2 lane single carriageway. The straight stretch of road carried off into the distant horizon as far as the eye could see. Something was up ahead. A dark mass in the middle of the road, shimmering in the heat. It grew larger as we approached. ROADKILL, a bloody mess of dead kangaroo with a huge Wedge tail Eagle sitting on top of it. At the very last moment it lazily flapped its huge wings and drew skyward as we bore down upon it. "No use messing up the underside of the bus" murmured Spit Ball as he maneuvered the old girl to the other side of the road...
The bus was a 1965 model International with a 4 litre, 6 cylinder engine. She was getting about 8 miles to the gallon, a thirsty beast, but fuel prices in those days were quite reasonable, so it was all good. I pulled another beer from the fridge and cracked the ice cold can open. This was the life! We had been driving all night for the last two nights in an attempt to keep the motor cool and now, at 10am, it was already quite warm. As I had just come off my 2 hour shift, beer for breakfast seemed like the order of the day.
We parked the bus on the highway and rode the 5km out to these cliffs in pairs.
We stopped for a toilet break, the lads wandering into the scrub to relieve themselves. Frothy puddles in the hot sand. Time to head off. Then I had an idea. "In you go lads, I'll be up on the roof sunbaking!" WHAT?!!! Perhaps the beer had gone to my head, but if it was ever going to be done then this stretch of barren straight road was the best opportunity that I was ever going to get. I climbed up the back ladder and lay stomach down amongst the gear... the engine roared to life and before we had gone 10ks I was on my back going THE FULL MONTY!!!
As the day wore on we soon came across road signs that indicated that the Great Australian Bight was 5ks to the right. There was no road out there however. We stopped the bus on the side of the highway and took the Honda 250 off the back end. This was the first test of our trusty red motorbike. We went out, directly across the scrubland in pairs. Vegemite and I went first, myself as a pillion. As we approached the edge of the Bight the scrub turned to hard limestone making it difficult to traverse. We climbed off and pushed the bike the last few yards to the edge of the massive cliff. There, stretched out before us and pounding the ragged cliffs below, was the Southern Ocean, also known as the "Antarctic Ocean." A wandering Albatross was riding the thermal currents above us. Here were the longest uninterrupted line of sea cliffs in the world, formed when Australia separated form Antarctica 65 million years ago. There was no water out here, and no shade but the steady wind was refreshing. AUSTRALIA, you've got to love it! We headed back and hit the beers as Spit Ball and Bazza had their turn.
「エアーハイウェイ」としても知られるオーストラリアのヌラーバー砂漠はオーストラリア東部と西部を分ける物理的な境界線の役割を担い、横断するのに少なくとも2日以上はかかる。 1941年よりダートトラックとして砂漠の石灰石を掘るようになり、1976年に最終的に舗装された。世界でも他に類を見ない1675kmもの長さを誇るとにかく真っ直ぐな道路なのだ。
「ヌラーバー」とは、先住民であるアボリジニの言語で「木がない」という意味であり。この砂漠は古代海底であったため、塩分濃度が高く、唯一の植生は低地のハマアカザとブルーブッシュのみである。 4万年もの間アボリジニの人々はこの砂漠の平原を歩き回ったのだ。この砂漠の平原は日中は最高気温50度(122度)にも達し、夜は氷点下になる。
さて出発の時間だ。そこで俺は思いついた。 「メイツ!先に中に入れ、俺は屋根の上で日光浴をする!」何?!!!ビールに飲まれてしまったのかもしれないが、このアイディアを実行するとしたら、このまっすぐな道を進む今が絶好のチャンスだと思ったのだ。俺はリアばしごを登り、ギアに腹這いになった...エンジンは絶好調、10kmも進まないうちに、俺は仰向けになってフルモンティしていた!!!
Surfing Chapter One: Getting the Bus/ 第1章:バスとの出会い
Surfing Chapter Two: Building the Bus/ 第2章:バスの改造
Surfing Chapter Three: Desperate Surfing Dreamers/ 第3章:夢追い人 サーフィン編
Surfing Chapter Four: Game On ! Heading Out on the Highway.../ 第4章:いよいよ出発の時が来た!高速へ繰り出す・・・