It was a Sunday Afternoon when we excitedly started her up and pulled out of Vegemites driveway. We had said our goodbyes but still had a few family members around to wave us off. This was FULL ON, this was REAL and as Nike says we were just DOING IT!!!
It would seem that even nature was putting on a show to send us off. Storm clouds had gathered around the hills of Perth and now, late in the semi dark evening as we passed through them, the occasional lightning flashed in time to the high volume Steppin Wolf music track we had playing... "Get ya motor running!...Head out on the highway!..." It was one of the most AWESOME moments of my young life, we were free, we had everything we needed, and nothing but great surf and pure adventure lay before us. What more could a young surfer want?
We drove all night and switched drivers every few hours. Driving the bus was fun and being in the back with two good mates was just as great. We played card games, guitar, or just lay in our bunks watching the dark shapes in the night pass us by. There was no need to push it, no time limits to rush to. We cruised through the night at 80kph, watching out for Kangaroos and the occasional rabbit.
We drove all the first night and into the morning before stopping for fuel…
By the time we got to Norseman the next afternoon our tanks needed refilling. This was the last stop before we headed out into the Nullarbor desert. We filled them up. Bazza clambered into the drivers seat and turned the key. Werrrrrrrrgh! Werrrrrrgh! NOTHING. The engine would not turn over. "Sounds like a fuel problem" he said.
The fiberglass engine cover was between the driver and passenger seats. We popped it open and peered inside. "Thought so..." he mumbled as he shone his torch on the glass fuel filter. "There is bloody water in the fuel!"
Grabbing his tool kit he crabbed his way under the bus and we drained the fuel tank into buckets. There was definitely water in the fuel, you could see it floating on the top. After bleeding the entire system and draining off the water (a process that took about an hour) we refilled the tank, and started her up. BROOOM! She was keen to go, but before leaving there was one more thing to do. Bazza stormed into the petrol station office, abused the owner for trying to stretch his profit with watered down fuel, and then we abruptly took off leaving Norseman in a cloud of desert dust...
もう俺たちを引き止めるものは何もなく、この旅は紛れもない現実となり、そしてかの有名なNIKE(ナイキ)が言うように「やるっきゃない(JUST DO IT)」状態だった!!!
大自然さえも、俺たちの門出を祝うショーを催しているかの様に嵐の雲がパースの丘の周りに集まり始めた。俺たちが薄暗い夜遅くにその雲を切り裂いて前進していくと、バスのスピーカーから流していた大音量のステッピンウルフ音楽トラックに合わせて稲妻が時折点滅した...「エンジン全開で! …高速道路をぶっ飛ばそう!」
ガガガガガ! ガガガガガ!…
どうにもこうにもエンジンがかからない。バッツァが 「燃料の問題かな」とポツリといった。