The next day we decided on a change of scenery, we pulled up stumps and took the bus up the sandy desert track a few Kilometers further North to Tombstones.
The swell had increased and was striking the Ningaloo reef with ferocity. The tide was mid to high, six foot sets with frequent eight footers were marching in. Offshore. IT WAS NOW OR NEVER. The paddle out was very long, perhaps the longest I’ve ever experienced, but the channel meant that you could avoid the worst of it on your journey out the back. I had my other board, a semi gun, an old, beaten up stick that Id had for ages. As usual, Vegemite had paddled out in front of me and was the first to catch a wave. Six foot, clean, a long glassy, left hand wall of water opening up before him as he made the drop. THIS PLACE WAS PUMPING!
Getting hit by 8 ft sets was frequent!
I caught a few, but there always seemed to be someone else screaming down the line on the inside. Super advanced surfers who had this break totally wired. "Oie!!!" ("off my wave!!!") It was hard to make the drop on a board with so little rocker in the nose and I went over the falls on quite a few occasions, the eight foot sets pinning me under as I got caught on the inside. After a few hours I’d had enough and came in.
Both Red Bluff and Tombstones had remained almost totally secret surf breaks for many years. Known only to Western Australian surfers and a very lucky handful of others, it remained that way until word gradually spread and the onset of the internet made it world famous. In 1987 the internet was yet to come and surf mags only ever hinted at this magical place, never divulging the exact location or giving any directions on how to get there. How times have changed...
We spent two days at Tombstones and then took the bus back to Red Bluff for another week. I really enjoyed it there, the atmosphere, the surf and the incredible sunsets, lighting up the Bluff until it glowed like a red hot furnace...
As its name suggests “Tombstones,” when its really pumping, can bring forth some truly death defying moments. Back then, out there in the desert, help was absolutely many miles away. As the risks have been reasonably high, the Western Australian Government finaly decided to do something about it, and in 2008, just outside the Gnarloo leased Area, a small airstrip was finally upgraded . Still though, there are no regular flights, and it is only used for the Royal Flying Doctor service. At least this is something.
They say that “a man who truly lives, must be ready to die at any time.”
Buddhism suggests that we can transform our fear of death by understanding that the idea of birth and death are both just concepts that we have grown used to. We have accepted, without deeper consideration, that life begins in the womb and ends when our body dies.
We are impermanent, just like a wave, but is a wave actually born? and does it actually die? The real nature of a wave is not its shape or size, its water. Obviously that does not change before or after the wave has come and gone, The water is still there, only a transformation has taken place via energy. Could this not be true of us too? Is it not true that we are made up of water and energy?
Back to school Kids! Biology 101 is now in session…
Next Post: Karratha
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