We crossed the Nullarbor once more, this time without incident, and arrived gratefully back home in Perth to the welcoming arms of family and friends. It had been an AWESOME TRIP, but the best was yet to come...
Perth City Skyline
We stayed in Perth a while, earning money for the next leg of the trip which would take us up North, towards Kalbarri and Carnarvon. Our plan was to take the bus to Karratha, a wealthy mining town, that was a further six hundred and forty kilometers up the road, and try and sell it there. Along the way we would also camp at Red Bluff, one of the most secretly remote big wave surfing breaks in the world. (At the time)
About three months later, in winter, we took off once more with a slightly different crew. Vegemite and I stayed on and this time we took some girls. My girlfriend and her friend had heard all about our previous adventures and were very keen to tag along. We were all excited. Northern Western Australia in winter often produced awesome swells, fine weather, and perfect offshore conditions. Just the place we wanted to be.
Our first stop was at Kalbarri, 570 kms up the road. Jakes is a perfect left hand surf break, 3ks out of town, which comes in deep off a gnarly reef. Getting in and out is not as hard as it first looks but jumping off the shelf can sometimes be like a game of Russian roulette. In winter, the only time to go, a powerful swell comes straight in off the Indian Ocean, forcing the barrel at speed down the 200+ meters of reef edge, it encourages down the line speed but does not allow much room for maneuvers.
On the day we got there it was a glassy four foot, a light off shore breeze fanning our backs as we paddled out. It was sucking out deep on the inside and there were a few other guys in the water. As soon as I got out the back I sat upright on my board and waited for the next set to roll in. Suddenly a dark shape swam right across the back of my board! My heart was pounding, but I soon realized that it was a seal as it poked its head up out of the water and twitched its long white whiskers at me.
The next stop was Canarvon, four hundred and forty kilometers further on. We skipped Monkey Mia, famous for its wild dolphins, and headed straight to the town, eager to stock up with supplies and fuel for the eighty three kilometer trip out to Quobba Station and the Red Bluff. The coastal town was silent on that Sunday. We parked in a quiet spot, out of the way but down by the water, and stayed the night. Tomorrow we would be heading out to one of the most remote and awe inspiring surf spots on the planet...
Surfing has its fair share of secrets. While the internet has eroded many of them, particularly break locations, the subtle ones remain. As a break is surfed, nature reveals her secrets to the surfer, slowly relinquishing them one by one, like a newfound lover. Those who surf a break frequently, who live in the area, often fiercely protect these secrets from outsiders, just as a lover would. This is known as “Localism.” World Class breaks that are close to high density populations particularly fit this category, and, even as my earlier posts have shown, pin point breaks like Cactus beach in remote South Australia still have this too.
To the true adventurer then, remoteness, and consistency of waves, stretched out over an extensive strip of wild and rugged coastline, where billions of stars glitter at night, and surfing camps are stretched out far across the long and forbidding coastline, this is living the dream.
As I’ve mentioned before, peak experiences like this can also be found in the mundane, but only if we learn to SEE the mundane differently. As I always relate every aspect of my view of life to Surfing and Buddhism through the concept of MIND SURFING my favorite coined expression is “MIND SURFER PRO-SEA YOURSELF DIFFERENTLY!”
“PRO” can mean many things. “Professional” or “Project” (as in this Blog project) or it can mean “Profound.” The core idea behind MIND SURFER PRO is to discover the profound, hidden in the mundane. To see (Sea) it! As I have said in previous posts, the mundane is not as it appears. The mundane is like natures trick on humans, a wall, like localism, designed to prevent us from breaking through and discovering all those other hidden secrets…
Next Post: Red Bluff- KING WAVES KILL!
「PRO」は多くのことを意味します。 「プロフェッショナル」または「プロジェクト」(このブログプロジェクトのように)または「深遠」を意味する場合があります。 MIND SURFER PROの真髄にあるのは、ありふれたものに隠された深遠なものを発見することです。 それを見る(sea/seeどちらも発音はシー)ために!以前の投稿で言ったように、ありふれたものは見た目どおりではなく、人間に対する自然が仕掛けたトリックのようなものなのです。ローカリズムのような壁もまた、私たちが隠された全ての秘密発見してしまうのを防ぐためための策なのだと私は思う…
次の投稿:Red Bluff- KING WAVES KILL!
ROb’s Pick
the history of surfing/ ザ・ヒストリー・オブ・サーフィン