Surfing Chapter Twenty: The Mirror/ サーフィン第20章:鏡

It was my turn to drive. We passed the Clybucca service station honking the horn and yelling from the windows. We stopped in Kempsey and refueled at the last out of town service station. Immediately after pulling out I was faced with red traffic lights on a 4 lane bridge.

A road train pulled up alongside us as we waited for the lights to change. GREEN. The huge truck, which must have been empty, pulled out quickly, but as it pulled ahead our two vehicles gradually came closer and closer together. It was like a slow motion movie, the gap narrowing, our side mirror exploding as the side of the road train ripped it from its hinges. The sound of breaking glass only inches from my ear. I waited for the terrible tearing sound as the two vehicles collided, ripping up the beautiful orange paintwork along the side of the bus.

But that was it. Somehow I had managed to pull to the side before it had come to that. I was shaking and angry and covered in glass. The truck kept going...

Mirrors are symbolic in Buddhism. Just as a surfboard is a mirror of one shape, split down the stringer, one of the aims of ZEN is to come to posses The Mirror Mind. Mirror mind is also called “no-mind” because it is totally open and not fixed on one thing. (Just like the mind of a child) The result of having this state of mind is an ongoing sense of wonder.

As someone who is agreeable to this way of being I can honestly say that the concept of becoming a serious adult totally sucks! To me this is what being a surfer is all about. The very notion that we are all free spirits still connected to source.

By this I do not mean that we should all shirk our adult responsibilities, but more that, like children, we should endeavor to maintain a pure heart and a light spirit.

Surfing does this to us. It cleans us out. How can you not but wonder about how amazing life is while you are sitting out the back of the break in a glassy offshore sunset with perfect swell conditions? In those moments the planet is awesome! Life is awesome!

Lets never forget that...

This connection is real, and is actually available to us at anytime. We should not be waiting for it, it's waiting for us!

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