Surfing Chapter Sixteen: Blood Bath!/ サーフィン第16章: 血の海

We eventually headed down the coast and stopped briefly at Byron Bay for a day before moving on a further twenty kilometers to Lennox Heads. The big swell, still persisting and Lennox- a world class reef break, was holding up nicely. Parking the bus at the top of the hill we grabbed our boards and made our way down the long stairs to the rocks below.

It was glassy, mostly four footers, with the occasional six foot sets rolling through. The walls formed a solid right hander, sweeping off the point along the reef towards the North. They were powerful waves and the locals were out, consistency allowing everyone to get their share.

After three hours we decided to come in. It was a little tricky. Although the waves were breaking onto sand the inside section was filled with thousands of big round, smooth, black, barnacle encrusted rocks.

Thinking I was the last, I came in and climbed the steep stairs to the top of the car park. Spit Ball and Bazza were already at the bus. "Where's Vegemite?" I enquired. "Still out I guess Ratty" said Bazza. "I didn't see him..." I said. Spit Ball and I moved closer to the cliff edge as Bazza appeared alongside us with a pair of binoculars. After focusing for a minute he started to laugh. "He's coming in...stuck on the rocks..."

He passed the binoculars to me. Vegemite loomed into focus, he was half out of the water, his blue board shorts just visible. Just then a big wave hit him and he was flung onto his back, his board flying. Then he disappeared. After what seemed like ages, he reappeared, deeper among the rock boulders but closer to the shore. He was tugging frantically at his leg rope which seemed to be stuck on a rock. Another wave hit him and once again he disappeared from view. "Jesus! Get out of there!" It was no laughing matter, those rocks were sharp and if you struck your head on one you could easily pass out.

I refocused on the shore. His board had come in but I couldn’t see him. I followed the sweep of the water to the North and then, miraculously, there he was, clambering like a mad man over the now exposed black boulders. Blood was streaming down his back and arms and even his legs seemed to have cuts. "Better get out the antiseptic" I said. "He's gonna need it."

Suffering in the “Sea of Illusion” as Buddhism puts it, can really suck. Most of this suffering comes from our total ignorance of the conceptual world we live in. We forget that almost all things are just representations and labels and we let these define our story, our reality. Such is the manner of convention.

Yet what emerges from this mass of confusion, and floats above it all like a surfboard, is Compassion. This is why it makes much more sense to think about others rather than think about our small limited selves. By directing our thoughts away from our selves and onto helping others we open up our own self boundary and this expands our consciousness and being.

As open as the cloudless blue sky surrounding me, I sit on my board and wait for a wave to take me home…

Time stands still. The swell rolling in from eternity…

The past folding in on the future…

No Separation,


The Buddhist notion of "Self Cherishing" is very important for a couple of reasons. The first is that "feeling sorry for yourself" is the very basis of all our concerns and worries. I have repeatedly found that when I put a problem up against the notion of "self cherishing" then it will often dissolve itself.

Surfing is like this. Have you ever tried to paddle out to the back of the break in huge surf? Even if you do everything right it may be very hard to get out there. Under these circumstances feeling sorry for yourself is just not going to work. To get out there you have to open your mind and try again. You cant focus on the suffering because that just makes it worse, you must focus on emptying your mind of everything but the actual vision of yourself resting just beyond the break zone.

When we take our focus off the notion of self, we enter a dimension of increased energy. Whatever you focus on other than self, that's the flow zone. This is why the best form of mental health is to help others around you and why ridding the face of a powerful wave is so fulfilling. Transcendence is when we become life itself..., just simply "being".

Next up: The Hitch Hikers
























