As Hot as Hell…
We spent a few days at Exmouth, killing flies and walking out on the reef at low tide. By the time we got up to Karratha we were almost out of money. There were a lot of young people up there looking for work on the Burrup Peninsula Gas Project. Jobs were high paying but difficult to land, unless you knew a friend of a friend... which we didn’t. Money was flying about and there were lots of parties.
Although it was winter it was hot in Karratha. Mid thirties. In the air-conditioned shopping complex there was a raffle for a Harley Davidson motorbike, at least worth thirty grand. I brought a few tickets. A radio announcer, Lionel York, from Perth interviewed me live and asked me what I would do if I won it. "Sell it and put the money in the bank" I replied. "Mars Bars", a chocolate confection, also had a "Willy Wonka" like competition running. I bought heaps of them until I could eat no more...STUPID.
We washed the bus, cleaned it up until it sparkled, and then painted "FOR SALE" on every side. Then we parked it in the very center of town and we waited...
Eventually I did find a job. It was making cement railway sleepers at a construction yard about thirty kilometers South of the town. My job was to use a machine to cut the steel reinforcing wire that went inside each one. It was laborious, grueling work and difficult in the stifling heat.
One guys job was to dig up the gravel with a front end loader and run it out of the deep pit up to the loading ramps where it would be turned into concrete. One day he took his big machine too close to the edge of the pit and the whole thing toppled in. He was flown to a hospital in Perth but I ended up leaving that job before I found out what happened to him...the bus never sold.
When the Surfers aren’t surfing their usually trying to find another way to stay stoked. In many cases they will do whatever it takes to find a substitute thrill. No matter how stupid it is, no matter what the cost.
At least that was true in Australia back then. Now that surfing is fully mainstream (in Australia) most surfers aren’t quite so radical. What really sucks though is being totally desperate for money. When you have none, and your trying to survive on breadcrumbs and stale red wine, it may seem as if the whole world is against you. You become open to suggestion for anything…
Don't be stupid.
As I’ve said in previous posts, its moments like this that define us. You will get through this. You will survive… and when you look back on what you went through you will be proud, or at least secure in the knowledge that you passed this test.
Subdue the mind. Breathe. Connect with source. Be grateful for small things.
You don’t need money to feel connected.
There are no prizes for doing stupid things when you are desperate.
No Separation.
Next Post: Geraldton
その後俺たちはバスを洗車して、車体がピカピカになるまで磨き上げて、側面にFOR SALE(売り物)とデカデカと書いた。そしてそのバスを街の中心に駐車して購入希望者が現れるのをひたすら待つことにしたのだ…
ノー セパレーション